How COVID-19 Has Been Good For Our Family

First let me say, I know COVID-19 has been horrible for the people who have lost loved ones and those who suffer from the lingering side effects of this virus. I am certainly not making light of the gravity of the situation.

Allana Pinkerton
4 min readAug 21, 2020

For the past nine years I was working full time and traveling about seventy-five percent of my work life so when the pandemic put the brakes on my travel, I was a little elated…that is until I realized our dog wakes up two to three times per night, every night! Pardon me for digressing. I have a teenager at home and it is getting to the stage where I know it’s important for me to be around more to encourage him to seek out his passion and excel in school, mold him to become a gentleman and make him clean his room more often. Plus, I have been on a health journey for over two years and it’s much easier to eat healthier when cooking at home. My oldest child was about to purchase his first home and I certainly wanted to be close by for the transaction, the tears of nostalgia when helping him move and celebrate my first born becoming a responsible adult. Needless to say, the home purchase has not happened because his contract work came to a complete stop.



Allana Pinkerton

Certified NASM Nutrition Coach with a focus on Grain Free, Lectin Free & Sugar Free Living. Lost 65 lbs. & Eliminated medications for Fibromyalgia and arthritis